Seriously, do you know why we love blogging? It is really quite simple. In God's infinite, perfect wisdom, He made us to need each other's creativity! I truly believe this! We aren't self-sufficient...but, I know we are mutually dependent. Look at it this way: I may need your sewing and stitching skills; then, maybe you can use my food prep and illustrations. We all need the other. We glean ideas by sight and with our perceptive powers.
Becca: grows a beautiful garden. Vanessa's: dolls and stories are very creative. Marydon: is wise and quite articulate (or shall I say, quite glib). Karen: is mild in spirited. Janet's: need-to-know blog. Lisa's: motherly love. Christina's decor'. and Lady Jane's creativity. (You can find all of these unique ladies in my follower's list). Included in this list, are all the many friends and other followers that I so admire. You all should celebrate your uniqueness and your creativity...even if you don't feel as if you are needed by your blogging friends...you are indispensable!
Did you know you really do inspire others? Well, yes, you do, all of you! You are the only one who can give us your creativity! So, don't hold back...don't stop creating. Your can-do spirit inspires us...we need you! All of you have touched me in your special ways, and let me tell you...I could never put into words how much I need you and your creative self...and I thank you!
So, the next time you post your work and you don't think it is worthy and want to delete it, think about how much you will inspire...Someone, Somewhere, Somehow with your uniqueness!
Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful and productive full week! Love