Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tornadoes, Twister, Destruction

There has been so much destruction this week, in a number of states and we Thank God that most our friends and neighbors were unharmed. Our sincere condolences goes out to those who lost loved ones in these devastating storms.

This school bus was literally thrown and crushed into this building
in Henryville IND. One town was completely wiped out!
 To our blogging friends who were hit with this devastation, please  know, you all are in our prayers and we are deeply concerned.
May God Bless each and everyone of you!

On another note: If you read my post on blog 2 then you are aware of the challenges I have had and having. I know it is a long post, but it tells a story of my life and what I am faced with today. The Lord has given me so much and I feel what the above picture depict. Light...brighter light is to come.
  I will be taking the rest of the weekend to be with my sisters. They all came home so we can be together, with each other...and draw comfort. We are all having our own little problems and need to rally together to sort things out in our lives.
  James sends his love to all and wishes you all a happy weekend!
We leave you with this thought...reach out to those who have lost so much in this disaster. Importantly, do so with family and allow your love for each other to prevail!

All The Best To You...
James & Loretta

Friday, March 2, 2012

Good Friday Morning

How are you this Friday Morning? I have posted on our blog #2 and hope you will go there to read from: "A Page From My Diary". The link is:  Or, you can also find in in the sidebar.  I'll get back to post later in the day. Thanks!

All The Best To You...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Doctor Martin Ellingham

Formally know as, Doc Martin. If you are one of the few who missed this BBC program, you will have the opportunity to see, new to America, season 5!

The new series of the Acclaimed show airs Thursday March 1st, (check with your local listing for your airing time.) The story continues, where it picks up after the birth of Martin and Louisa's son, who still doesn't have a name.

Some are wondering...will Martin return to Portwenn or will he still move back to London? Will fatherhood help Doc Martin to mellow or, will he still be the village most unliked person? Will he, Louisa and the baby become a happy family? Seriously, what do you think knowing Martin's personality...not! The infamous Doc Ellingham will obvious be true to form and continue to draw viewers into his mayhem in Portwenn.
  Most of the cast are returning with a few new faces added to the cast. One point of interest:
  Martin will find it hard to deal with the loss of Auntie Joan. He and Louisa will experience sleepless night, and the new doctor, Di Dibbs, who has moved into his surgery, is not all she's suppose to be...Martin have serious doubts about her competency.   
  There are twist and turns of the story lines the producer and writers have written that will give us all something to look forward to. Don't miss the first episode entitled: "Perserve the Romance".

Stay Tuned...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Downton Abbey 's Season 2 Ends

  I, for one, am sadden to see this show's season final episode. It is the sort of television shows that I can sit and watch without flinching. Sunday night's will not be the same without this entertaining show.

  However, fortunate for us die-hard viewers, season 3 is already shooting mode and we will have Downton Abbey back in our line-up again in the fall. It promises to be a grand season with actress Shirley MacLaine joining the cast. It will certainly give viewers much to look forward to.

It is said, Maggie Smith, the out-spoken matriarchal Dowager Countess will clash with MacLaine's character, Martha Levinson, the American mother of Lady Cora. Both women have equal personalities, and is sure to keep the storylines hot. 
Did you hear the funny, deserving line the Countess spoke to Sir Richards last eve?
Him: I'm afraid I will not see you again Countess.
Her: Oh, do you promise! For me it was the highlight of her delivery! I am looking forward to the new season 3!
  Do you think Anna's husband, Mister Bates will get out of prison? Will the sneaky O'Brian reveal her part in giving his ex-wife information? How long will Thomas keep getting-away-with-it... before he is found out? Oh, the thrill of it all!
  It looks as if today will be a great day, and it is my wish that yours' is to! Take Care...

All The Best To You,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Good Day...
 Yes, we wish you all a Happy Sunday. Please check our
blog #2 for: "Thoughts To Ponder"

All The Best,
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