When I say my hometown, I am reminded of the aunt Bee character on the Andy Griffith show those long years ago, when she and Clara, her friend, sang this song. Do you remember? Well, I'm not saying my hometown is another Mayberry, but sometimes it feels that way. My neighbors, friends and family...are friendly folk just the way you see the folks in fictional Mayberry. (Click on the pictures to see enlarged.)
Honorable Mayor Curtis McCoy
Hello friends and neighbors, welcome to Mansfield Louisiana, a city of vision and changes. Those changes are positive growth and developement. Mansfield is small, population approximately 6000; located on Northwest, Louisiana.
The city of Mansfield is the parish seat in DeSoto Parish. She is the 107th largest community in Louisiana. She is a city of sales, office workers, service providers and professionals.
Mansfield is rich in history; known and has been witness to the Battle of Mansfield...the historical civil war battle of Mansfield. The 150th anniversary was celebrated on April of 1997. The Mansfield State Commemorative Area if located 4 miles south of Mansfield:
15149 Highway 175
Mansfield LA 71052
178 acre site has a museum exhibiting civil war memorabilia. It was placed on the National Registar of Historical Places in 1973. Yes, Mansfield is steeped in history!
You are invited to view our website at: http://cityofmansfield.net/ to read more about our beautiful city. DeSoto's online newspaper http://www.desotoparishtoday.com/index.html, is up-to-date 24/7 local news in DeSoto Parish.
Below we have put together an array of photos for your enjoyment. Click on the pics to enlarge.
New welcome to Mansfield sign placed on Highway 84 East near the Middle School
This is the old log Court House built in 1843 and accepted by the Police Jury August 1843
The first term of court was August 5, 1843. If you look closely you'll see the ole bell to the left of the above photo, still stands outside the ole courthouse. It is the original bell that was used to summoned the court into session in 1843. Al Sale, is keeper of historical records in the courthouse, and Raymond Powell is city historian.
Our newly renovated court House Downtown Mansfield. It is 1911 era and on the National Register of Historical Places.
The new Best Western...newly constructed
Newly constructed Citizens Bank is the fifth bank in Mansfield
This building is the old train Depot
The Old Post Office
New Post Office
The newly built Chamber of Commerce building
This is the DeSoto Parish Family Medicine Building
This is the main entrance to the local Hospital
Equipped state-of-the-art facility
The newly constructed Cancer Center donated by the Bledsole family in Mansfield.
Landing pad for Airflight on the hosspital grounds
The ole Dog Trot home (see the opening in the center of the house) is the only one left in town and has Civil war connections. See plaque below.
The only International Boundary markers left in the USA between the states.
Newly constructed highway really needed to help with traffic congestion. More is needed and under consideration by city fathers.

Downtown Mansfield and "The Enterprise Newspaper" offices. Just above their offices are the tax assessor's offices.

Growth brought new accommodations to our town. Comfort Inn is one of three.
Beautiful rooms welcome guest for a peaceful and restful stay
Then, enjoy a nice in house breakfast in their bright and lovely facilities.
This is just one of our restaurants where you can find tasty food for all in the family
Our beautiful recently renovated library. This is the Main branch of the library with several others in neighboring towns.
Mansfield shown on the map above.
We sincerely hope you've enjoyed your tour of our hometown. More pictures will be added as we continue to gather more information. Soon you will have the pleasure of meeting neighbors and friends and see how we go about each day in our neck of the woods. Have a wonderful weekend and remember...Always Keep Smiling...
Warmest Regards,
Well I'll BEE... had to say it, lol.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know anything about Mansfield, but I sure do now. Thank you for the great tour of your hometown.
America has such sweet little towns, that's for sure.
Thank you Loretta.
Love Claudie