Thursday, August 1, 2013

Meet My Cousin and...

I was so pleased to see my second cousin Rachel for the first time since she was a few months old! She has graduated college and doing quite well. She's such a lovely young lady.

 Below, she cut off the person next to her in this picture because...she was at a dance and the man was  quite inebriated and wanted to dance with her. She said they had to leave shortly afterwards because of him. He continuously called her, "Pretty Hot Babe"...  She said she was totally embarrassed!

Do you recognize this little guy? Yep, its Braylon...shortie as we  call him now 2+ yrs old as he will tell you and (My baby sister's only grand) 
  He doesn't seem to grow or weigh much but this child is so darn smart! He amazes me with the conversation he's able to hold with adults. Unbelievable...
  It has been a while since we've seen him...he's forgotten us and hides behind his dad when we try to approach him. I sure hate this because we had nice times together when he was younger.

We're wishing you a Very Thankful Thursday and all the Best!
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