Oh, I'm not complaining about my kitchen cabinets...no way, because I know that somewhere, somehow, someday I will get them done the way that I want them. You see, I had the nasty habit of wanting and wanting it my way...this was bad because of my demanding nature. But, as I grew older, and wiser I might add, I have learned what it means to be patient with a little bit of humble-pie thrown in for good measure. It saves my health, mentality and suffering from excruciating pain, just to name a few!
Personality changes, putting on the new and I am an entirely new person! I said all of this to get to this point...My cabinets need a make over! I have always been the one to tackle all of the decorating from painting to just about anything. Alas, I am down for the count...that is, I can't do this type of physical labor anymore!
Hubster wants to hire painters, but I've experienced the work of our local painter, if you know what I mean! Let me show you what I mean about the inside of them.
They are so roomy...deep and tall. But the wear and tear on them shows.
I want to redo them all in white
However, the eat-in kitchen is large with nine feet ceiling. The white will certainly open the kitchen more. They are high quality, but years of use, have beat them up. The previous owner of the house took very good care of the entire house, and the house only had one occupant...I love everything about it, but it does need some updating.
As you can see here, the cabs are deep. My granddaughter, Carly told me I had my can good lined-up like a deranged husband on a movie who wanted his wife to do this in their kitchen. I forgot the name of the movie. Didn't hurt me, because it is order to me!
See the inside of this one...easily fixed...if only I could get my hands on it!
I have so many sets of dishes that I've collected over the years...and yes, I use them...whatever strikes my fancy for any given occasion
I suppose I will relent one day, but for now, I'm just going to live with them. There is no reason to get upset about them...I can't change it now but, I look forward to the day I will allow the change to happen.
James is home again today...he had test to be done at hospital, and decided to stay home afterwards. He's tired, I know and so am I! It has been a long morning...I'm resting after I get this posted. Forgive my mistakes, if any. James sends his love to all and wanted me to say he's missed you!
We wish you a very good day and a pleasant evening!
James & Loretta